Wednesday, September 24, 2008

David Sereda

Artist: David Sereda
LP: Chivalry Lives
Song: "Mark"
[ listen ]

As an openly gay pop musician in 1981, with few role models who didn't either look like this or like this, David Sereda was impressively ahead of his time. This love song to a guy with the musically unfortunate name of "Mark" is from Sereda's first album, made when he was just 17 years old. The song, and the entire album really, is pretty awful... but it's the kind of awful that lots of other singers didn't start producing until the late '80s or early '90s, so again I'm impressed with Sereda's foresight. You can read more about David Sereda and what he's been up to lately on Wikipedia here. Coincidentally, there's another sorta' famous David Sereda who was also born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in the 1960s, but this other David Sereda saw a UFO when he was 7 and then later he discovered Pamala Anderson. If you want, you can read about that David Sereda here.

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