Monday, September 15, 2008

The Monks

Artist: The Monks
LP: Suspended Animation
Song: "I Can Do Anything You Like"
[ listen ]

Not to be confused with that other band called The Monks, this one was formed in the late '70s by members of The Strawbs. "Suspended Animation" was their flop 2nd (and last) LP that was evidently released only in Canada back in 1981. This track is one of those early-'80s-comically-offensive songs, in this case highlighting a prospecting phone call made to EMI by the singer of a versatile East Indian band.


  1. An early ambition was to be an astronaut - but now I realise I just wanted to be a sexed-up spaced-out cyber-nun.

    My blog just got flagged as potentially spamful - so have removed the download link for my new mix while it's under review. But will re-up soon.


  2. I can see why this one was a flop - the poor people were confusing suspended animation with Cryogenics. An easy mistake to make, but we sci-fi geeks are very easily un-amused!
