Thursday, November 27, 2008

Love and Kisses

Artist: Love and Kisses
LP: How Much, How Much I Love You
Song: "Beauty and the Beast"
[ listen ]

Of course I found tons of old LPs when I was in Washington, DC earlier this week. The weight of my suitcase went from 0 to 60 in under three seconds. Here's a bit of disco absurdity I picked up in a little basement shop in the Adams-Morgan neighborhood after enjoying a delicious meal at my new favorite eating place: The Diner. [try the blu cheese & bacon omelette!] Equal parts exhilarating and retarded, this incredible track is from a 1978 album produced by Alec R. Costandinos, with vocals attributed to Sue, Sunny, Stephanie, Joanne & Alec. Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Phew that was epic! Tired now, think I might sit down, and put my clothes back on.

    Thanks for the lovely comment the other day, Alex.

