Monday, November 3, 2008

Ten Tuff Guitars

Artist: Ten Tuff Guitars
LP: The Swinging Electric Sounds of the Ten Tuff Guitars
Song: "Downtown"
[ listen ]

Here's something wild, raunchy and electric for a rainy Monday morning in Seattle. Did you know that 9 out of 10 Tuff Guitarists favor Barack Obama for president? Don't forget to vote. Here are some entertaining notes from the back of the record:

an album for everyone who finds a BIG guitar sound irresistible, and
for all the arm-flingers and hip-swingers who move and shake the
nation's discothèque dance floors.

LISTEN!—and you'll hear Mike Bryan lead the musicians in rocking
tunes like And I Love Her, Moonshot! and Downtown, and in rocking
versions of "pops" and "trads" like Fly Me to the Moon, Shine On,
Harvest Moon
and Volare. They're all played with a SOLID beat,
a DRIVING rhythm and a RAUNCHY sound.

LISTEN!—and you'll hear electric mandolins, electric guitars (rhythm,
bass and steel), an electric bass, electric piano, electric celeste and
percussion, played together and in wild combinations. Five numbers
feature human (!) voices.

LISTEN—but you won't hear what happened the day this album
was made. When all the electric equipment was first turned on in
Columbia's New York recording studio, the current flowing through
all the amplifiers into the speakers was so powerful that a local FM
broadcasting station was picked up playing a Barbra Streisand tune!

LISTEN!—and you'll hear a group that is exciting audiences at club
engagements all over the country, including Las Vegas!

LISTEN and DANCE to The Swinging Electric Sounds of the Ten Tuff Guitars!

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