Thursday, December 4, 2008

Portinho y Su Orquesta

Artist: Portinho y Su Orquesta
LP: Samba El Mejor De Brasil
Song: "Exaltação Á Bahia"
[ listen ]

Here's a track from a nice set of Brazilian sambas I picked up on my trip to Washington, DC—though, according to info on the record, this collection was released mainly for the enjoyment of Argentinian audiences. Here are some notes from the back of the record.

SAMBA EL MEJOR DEL BRASIL, un disco gravado especialmente para nosotros.

Son de samba-exaltación las 12 músicas que contienen este disco, el samba
que cuenta la hist
ória del Brasil; su paisagen: rios, florestas, su cielo, su
pueblo, sus heroes, la belleza de la mulata, de la libertaci
ón de los esclavos,
de la Bahia, estet és el samba que retrata toda la belleza de su f
en un ritmo contagiante envolvido por una melodia que sencibiliza
profundamente el hermano de la tierra or visitante que allí, apuerta.

Musicalmente el samba és el mejor embajador de la música brasileña en el
exterior, pues a trav
és de la película "Alô Amigos," produzido por el inmortal
Walt Disney, del cual constaram várious, sambas-
exaltaciónes a donde el
Brasil comenz
ó tornar conocida su música pátria, siendo que en está época
la querida y inolvidable Carmen Miranda acompa
ñada del "Bando da Lua," abre
la puerta del suceso no solamente para la m
úsica brasileña, mas tambien
ó oportunidad a los artistas que para los Estados Unidos se dirigen en
busca de la fama y fortuna.

Referente al nível de la calidad de este disco podemos adelantar que se
equipara al m
ás alto padrón técnico internacional, los arreglos musicales
fueran escritos especialmente para son estereof
ónico veniendo de ahí la
mejor reproducci
ón para el son monaural.

Escuche el disco conozca el samba-exaltación, el samba de Elite, el samba
que identifica la tierra y el pueblo del Brasil. —A.M. de Carvalho

My Spanish is a little rusty, but I decided to try translating the notes anyway in hopes that they would also be enjoyed by those who only speak English.

THE LARGEST SAMBA IN BRAZIL, a record engraved especially for us.

The sound of the rejoicing samba contained in the 12 tracks on this record
will give you the bill for the history of Brazil; its countryside: rivers, florists,
its sky, its little town, its heroes, the mulatto ballet, the liberation of the
slaves, of the Bahia. This is the samba that retreads the entire folklore of
ballet with a contageous rhythm that involves a single melody and the
profound sensibilities of your brother who lives in or even just visits
the land of the airport

Musically the samba is a huge embassador for Brazilian music on the outside,
especially after the movie "Saludos Amigos," produced by the immortal
Walt Disney, who, because of vaious constraints, could only listen to the
rejoicing samba during his visit to Brazil, until he was also allowed to listen
to patriotic music and a song about his old age, which was sung by the
unforgettable Carmen Miranda accompanied by the Luau Band, which opened
the door not only for Brazilian music, but also provided opportunities for
artists in the USA who were diligently in search of fame and fortune

In reference to the warm naval of this record which we have begun to
equip with the tallest portion of international technology, the gifts of
music were written especially for stereophonic sound, coming as it does
from the major reproduction centers of the monorail.

Listen to this record and know the rejoicing samba, the samba of the Elite,
the samba that identifies the land and the little town of Brazil.
—A.M. de Carvalho

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