Friday, February 13, 2009

Beverly Laine

Artist: Beverly Laine
LP: Organ Favorites [10" EP]
Song: "Stumbling"
[ listen ]

Happy Friday the 13th! Here's one of a bunch of neat old records I found on a day-trip to the small town of Snohomish last weekend. There's not much info on organist Beverly Laine on the internet as far as I can tell, but if you find her playing "rapturous," you can buy your very own copy of this record from the Senior, Elder Speciality Shop [here]. Tops Music Enterprises Corp. includes a special message to listeners on the back of the record:

On this TOPS Masterpiece Record you will hear selections of the
best loved music of all time. You'll thrill to these lilting melodies
played with exceptional beauty and emotion by some of the
world's most outstanding artists. The brilliant performance of
each selection transforms every note into rapturous listening.
You'll enjoy the enduring richness of this remarkable record for
many, many hours of wonderful enjoyment.

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