Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The InTrade Harmonites

Artist: The InTrade Harmonites
LP: This Land
Song: "Love Theme"
[ listen ]

It's a '70s steel drum band from Antigua covering Barry White. There's really nothing more to be said. Here are the notes from the back of the LP:

In Antigua, the steelband is rapidly proving itself to be the most
dynamic contributor to the world of musical art. This is due mainly
to the success of the island's top steelband, "Intrade West Side
Harmonites." During the past eight years, this group has compiled
the most impressive record in the history of local steelband
competitions: Five 1st Place and two 2nd Place honors. This
was accomplished through the inspiration of men like—George
Weekes, bandleader; Rupert (Teela) Parker, Kenroy Watkins,
Leroy Gordon, and the brilliant arrangers: The Honorable Sidney
Prince, Minister of Tourism and Finance, and Paul Campbell

"Harmonites" first entered the local steelband competition in 1967,
one year after they were founded, but failed to place. However,
with sheer determination and hard work they came back in 1968,
were tied for First Place honors, and won the "Bomb" competition
with their rendition of "For a Few Dollars More." In 1969 they won
by a wide margin. They played Sparrow's "Cock Fight" and Bach's
"Air on a G String." In 1970 they placed second. However, in 1971
they reclaimed their number 1 spot by winning the competition
with "Prospect Test" and their mellow rendition of Francis Ali's
"Where Do I Begin" (Theme from Love Story). In December that
same year, the St. John's Cathedral gave permission for the
"Intrade Harmonites" to perform at a church service. In 1972 they
retained their championship title with their selection of Von Souppes'
"A Light Cavalry L'Overture" and Sparrow's "Winer Gal." In 1973 they
placed second and again in 1974 they won the championship by
playing Short Shirt's "Fighting" and Kitchiner's "Tourist Take Over."
They have recently begun touring the neighboring islands and are
planning a tour of the U.S.A. in 1975.

Through the cooperation of members of the band, their sponsors
INternational TRADing Center, their producer Basil C. Hill, you can
now discover some of the delightful sounds from this musical
souvenir entitled "This Land," which, it is hoped, will be
trasured and savored by all

I can't be the only one considering the erotic potential for the "Air On a G-String" music video. and in case you're wondering where Antigua is, here's a map:


  1. "It's a '70s steel drum band from Antigua covering Barry White. there's really nothing more to say"
    ..but then again, does anything more need to be said? ;)
    ?in case you're wondering where Antigua is, here's a map"
    Um- yah, it's in the middle of my screen...:)

  2. This is much more than that.
    This is Harmonites International Steel Orchestra which is still active to date. it was formerly Junior Hells Gate, a testament to the fact that it formed out of one of the oldest steel orchestras in the world the Hells Gate Steel also from Antigua. Hamonites International have made some outstanding contributions to society and participated in profile tours such as ,the half time
    performance of the 1979 Super Bowl Performance at the Orange bowl Miami,Carifesta 1981 in Barbados, The World Expo 1986 in Vancouver BC,The World Expo in 1993 Korea and in Brazil International Music festival 1994,The World Panorama competition in 1993 Windward Islands Caribbean .They have two other Albums ,Drums in Mood and Xmas on Pan. They are one of the best quality Steel Orchestras in the Caribbean and indeed the wider world.

    Signed, a former member and
    music afficionado.

  3. wow! thanks for all that information, wadadli man. It's one of the best steel drum records I've ever heard.
