Thursday, March 19, 2009

Natasha Richardson [1963-2009]

[ Natasha Richardson w/ husband Liam Neeson ]

When I first read on Monday that actress Natasha Richardson had possibly suffered brain damage from a minor spill while skiing with her two young sons in Canada, my mind filled with hopeful fantasies; I imagined that I would soon be reading that she was able to walk again, about how she was re-learning to speak and, finally, that she had made a complete recovery. It's incredibly sad to realize instead that she's just plain gone. I can't imagine the devastation her two sons must feel—on a fun ski trip with their healthy, active mom during the day, she complains of a headache a few hours after the ski accident and then slips into a coma and out of their lives that very evening. It's just horrible! My heart and thoughts go out to them and to her husband and family; she seemed like such a neat woman.

[ as Blanche DuBois in 2005 stage production of "A Streetcar Named Desire" ]

You can read about Natasha Richardson's life and career here, read the NY Times obituary here and read some of the nice things people are saying about her today here. Edwardo and I rented and enjoyed her film Asylum just a few weeks ago and I remember really liking her in the film Widows' Peak back in the mid '90s. You can find the complete list of Natasha Richardson's films on IMDB here.

Natasha Richardson
[May 11, 1963 - March 18, 2009]
We will miss you, Natasha.

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