Thursday, April 30, 2009


Artist: Sandro
LP: Espectacular
Song: "Dame el Fuego de tu Amor"
[ listen ]
Song: "Porque es Amor y Mucho Mas"
[ listen ]

Argentinian heartthrob Sandro (real name Roberto Sánchez) was born August 19, 1945. He was the first singer to do a televised concert via satellite from Madison Square Garden (in April of 1970) and he's starred in a number of Argentinian films, including "Quiero Llenarme de Ti (I Want to Fill Myself With You)." You can read more about Sandro in English here, watch some titillating Sandro performance videos here and here, and click here to visit "A Todo Sandro," a lively Spanish-language website where you'll learn everything you've ever wanted to know about the singer. The Spanish-language notes from Sandro's 1971 "Espectacular" LP are
included below, with an English translation provided by BabelFish.

Con: Jorge Leone y su Orq.

5 de Setiembre de 1971. Por primera vez en el año Sandro
hacia su esperada presentación en televisi
ón, presentación
dilatada por múltiples giras a través de América y Europa y
por su intenso trabajo cinematográfico. Durante una hora y
medina las pantallas de T.V. mostaron a un Sandro en la
plentitud de su fantástica carrera artistica, con

todo su fibra, su ternura, su misterio.

Fueron presentados a modo de adelanto, algunos de los
temas que integran este Long Play, temas que según pudimos
apreciar, tuvieron notable repercusi
ón en el público que estaba
esperando sus nuevos creaciones. Una de las que caus
mayor impacto fue "Es el Amante," totalmente recitado con el
único acompañamiento de la guitarra de Hebert Orlando, integrando
un cuadro, de reminiscencias, españolas. Ello nos movi
ó a incluir en
esta larga duraci
ón la banda de sonido directamente tomada "en
vivo" de su interpretaci
ón de "Es el Amante," realizada en los
estudios de televisi
ón de Canal 11, rodeado de cámaras,
reflectores y público prefiriendo el "clima" que todo eso
involucra a la perfecci
ón técnica de un solitario
estudio de grabación.

* * * * * * *

5 of September of 1971. For the first time in the Sandro year
towards its awaited presentation in television, presentation
expanded by multiple tours through America and Europe and
by its intense cinematographic work. During one hour and
medina the T.V. screens mostaron to a Sandro in plentitud

of its fantastic artistic race, with all their fiber, its
tenderness, its mystery

They were presented/displayed as an advance, some of
subjects that integrate this Long Play, subjects that according
to we could to appreciate, they had remarkable repercussion
in the public who was waiting for its new creations. One of
that it caused greater impact was "She Is the Lover," totally
recited with the unique support of the guitar of Hebert Orlando,
integrating a picture, of reminiscences, Spaniards. It moved
to us to include in this long duration the band of sound directly

taken "in vivo" of its interpretation of "She Is the Lover,"
realised in the studies of television of Channel 11, surrounded
by cameras, reflectors and public preferring "clima" that all that
it involves perfectly technical of a solitaire recording studio

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