Friday, June 5, 2009


Overheard when: 9:16pm on Thursday, June 4, 2009
Overheard where
: at the Uptown Theatre, located at 511 Queen Anne Avenue North in Seattle, WA [map]
Overheard who: a man and woman in their mid-to-late 30s who were conversing in the row behind me before the movie started.

Overheard what:
"...and I've realized that that's the missing piece, that I am a total commitment-phobe. I feel like I just don't care enough about people.

He: "I know what you mean. I had the same problem and I had to force myself to change. I was just relying on my charm to get me through life and I didn't really care about people; like as far as dating girls, I'd always just rather go out drinking with my buddies. You know—and I don't say this at all in jest—but one thing that really helped me change is hanging out with a lot of Canadians. They are just such warm and caring people, and I was like, 'I want to learn how to be like them.' Suddenly it was like, 'Wow! There really are good people in the world!'"

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