Thursday, June 25, 2009

Seattle Helps the Hungry

Artist: Seattle Helps the Hungry
LP: 7" single
Song: "Give Just a Little" [care version]
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Song: "Give Just a Little" [share version]
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I was supposed to be locked inside the Space Needle for charity today, but I had to cancel because I've been too distracted to raise my bail money. Feeling guilty, I'm listening to this local 1985 benefit single on auto repeat as punishment. "Give Just a Little" would have been good advice for the singers featured in both versions of this horrible song... but no, they're giving everything they've got. Some of them sound like they're going to explode! Listeners are left with the impression that these folks weren't really thinking of starving children, but of major-label talent scouts waving blank contracts while eagerly clustered around the office turntable.

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