Monday, July 27, 2009


Overheard when: 11:20pm on Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Overheard where
: Mexican Village restaurant, located at 814 Main Avenue in Fargo, ND [map]
Overheard who: three clean-cut white guys in the booth across from mine (all in late teens or early 20s, one blond, the other two with sandy brown hair, all in t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops) and their tall and skinny waiter—a white guy, early-to-mid 20s, messy brown hair, nasal voice, friendly-but-robotic manner, in waiter uniform of red shirt with black shoes and pants.

Overheard what:
Sandy-haired guy #1:
(to blondie) "So how's your new girlfriend?

Blondie: "She's good..."
Sandy-haired guy #1: (to sandy-haired guy #2) "He's going out with a black girl and she's huge!"
Sandy-haired guy #2: "No way, dude! You're going out with a black girl!?"
Blondie: "So what? I don't judge a book by its color. I like her. I can have conversations with her, we talk about things..."

Sandy-haired guy #2: "How did you guys meet?"
Blondie: "There's some tall skinny white chick we were hanging out with, and she's one of her friends."
Sandy-haired guy #1: "When I saw her come into Sam's I started making fun of her, and then she came over and sat down with us!"

[waiter approaches table]
Sandy-haired guy #1: (to waiter) "Man, this guy's dating a really big black girl!"
Waiter: "Big or small, fuck 'em all..."
Blondie: "See? He gets it—he understands me... I bet I'm gonna' be bangin' her by tomorrow night—at least once!"
Sandy-haired guy #1: "Dude, your dick is gonna' fall off. She's gonna' break it in half!"

1 comment:

  1. What - there are black people in ND? He must be going out with - like - the only one...!
