Monday, August 10, 2009


Artist: Orion
LP: Sunrise
Song: "I Heard You Talkin' With Your Eyes"
[ listen ]

How come it's always the guy who shows up with the George Jones hair and the rhinestone-studded Lone Ranger mask who gets all the lovin'? Some fans thought Elvis Presley had faked his death in 1977 in order to continue his musical career as the mask-wearing Orion. Unfortunately, this reincarnation of The King was shot and killed by three young punks with sawed-off shotguns while working at his convenience store in Orrville, Alabama in 1998. You can read all about that here and visit the official Jimmy "Orion" Ellis website here for pictures, performances and more. I think it's safe to say: "they don't make 'em like this anymore."

[ Jimmy "Orion" Ellis: February 26, 1945 — December 12, 1998 ]

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Orion's 1979 "Sunrise" LP was one of the things I found along with a bunch of other neat stuff at this vinyl-filled antique store in Fargo, North Dakota:

[ Main Avenue Antiques . 1330 Main Avenue . Fargo, ND ]