Sunday, August 2, 2009

Polly Johnson

Artist: Polly Johnson
LP: I Found the Answer
Song: "Closer Than a Brother"
[ listen ]
Song: "Mansion Over the Hilltop"
[ listen ]

There aren't many people in the Dakotas, but most of those who live there consider themselves Christians, as you can see here. I'd hoped to find some wacky religious LPs from the '50s, '60s and '70s on my road trip—and I did (you'll see)...but I also found this lovely Polly Johnson gospel record at the St. Joe Antiques Mall on St. Joseph Street in Polly's hometown of Rapid City, South Dakota. Her songs are especially poignant considering the tragic circumstances of her untimely death (see here, here and here and read the album notes below). Polly's beautiful, pure voice would certainly have lured me through the chapel doors if I'd heard it floating through the air one breezy Sunday morning.

I FOUND THE ANSWER is the very meaningful title of this
beautiful collection of songs of the Gospel by the late
Polly Johnson. It is fitting that this song and this title
was chosen because Polly did indeed find the answer—
the answer to salvation—the answer to eternal life
and peace—through prayer and faith. The entire album
does, in fact, reflect its title...I FOUND THE ANSWER.

Every song is a message—a message direct from the
Gospel of Christ. From the haunting folk-like strains
of "Wayfaring Pilgrim" to the happy rhythm of "Sweet
By and By," you will enjoy her personal adaptations of
each. As you listen to the inspired words and the beautiful,
dedicated voice of Polly Johnson, we ask that you pause—
reflect—listen with ear and heart to the Gentle Voice that
whispers 'I Will Pass You Not' and perhaps you, too, will
find the answer—to life—to death—to salvation and peace
eternal. It was the fervent prayer of Polly Johnson, as she
recorded this album, that this would be so.

* * * * * * *

The "After-Glow" Lingers on...
On the morning of May 7, 1964, an airliner on its way to
San Francisco crashed. Miss Polly Johnson, gospel singer,
was among the 44 persons killed instantly. This was the
fatal flight that captured the headlines because the
pilot was shot by one of the passengers.

Polly was born and reared in South Dakota. Her career
in professional music began at the age of twelve when
she entered and won a talent contest in Rapid City, her
home town. While still in high school she became a well-
known radio and television personality and received national
acclaim as a guest on the Lawrence Welk television show.
Following her high school graduation, Polly became music
director for a local radio station. She edited and moderated
a women's program, produced singing commercials, had
a daily disc-jockey show called "Country Junction," and
headed her own five-piece orchestra.

Her ambition to achieve acclaim in the entertainment field led
Polly to California early in 1961. There she was confronted
with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Polly
accepted the invitation to become a Christian almost
immediately. She said: "When I realized the world didn't
offer the glitter and satisfaction I thgought it would,
I realized that Christ was the only One that could fill
the void in my life and give me the peace and joy that
I had sought so long in the world." From the day she
became a Christian in February, 1961, Polly Johnson
dedicated her time and talents to her Lord. She appeared
in church services and youth rallies across America.
Everywhere she went the radiance of her testimony
and the vibrance of her life made a lasting impact.

For a long time Polly and her friend, Mary Jayne Gaetke,
wanted to multiply their ministry of music through recordings.
This major goal was achieved just a few months before
her promising career came to its unexpected end. Polly
was especially thrilled that her WORD album with Mary
Jayne was coming to reality and ordered the first
copies to be sent to her in care of Meadville, Pennsylvania
Youth for Christ. She was enroute there when her life
was ended. The album was released the following week.

Found in the wreckage were parts of her guitar, her
Bible and a record label. WORD Records is releasing "I
FOUND THE ANSWER" as a memorial to Polly. This record
is truly an "after-glow" of a brilliant Christian career
and will point the way for those seeking the "answer"
for years to come.


  1. Simplesmente maravilhoso!
    Só Cristo é a resposta!

  2. Olá, tudo bem?
    Gostaria de ouvir as outras músicas da Polly Johnson...poderia posta-las?
    Meu email
