Monday, November 2, 2009

The Israeli Strings

Artist: The Israeli Strings
LP: Jewish Rhapsodies For Those In Love
Song: "The Exodus Song"
[ listen ]

To create the atmosphere of seduction and romance necessary to lure a handsome young Jewish man into an evening of coy kissing and heavy petting, I find nothing works quite so well as "The Exodus Song."

The interpretations of Jewish melodies into contemporary
popular music has been magnificently achieved by The Israeli
Strings and the fine arrangements of Pete King. A mood of
romance prevails for all lovers, everywhere

Traditionally, Jewish music is highly melodic but often the
melody is lost through interpretation. You will find that
within the twelve bands of this album, the songs presented
have lost none of their warmth, rather, they have been
elevated into a new dimension which can be accepted
by everyone with an appreciation for romantic music.

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