Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Juarez e seu Conjunto

Artist: Juarez e seu Conjunto
LP: Bossa Nova Nos "States"
Song: "Direi Depois"
[ listen ]

Here's a neat 1962 bossa nova record from Juarez e seu Conjunto, led by saxophone player Juarez Assis de Araújo. I picked this one up here in Seattle sometime last year, but according to the stains on the cover, this exact same copy was previously featured on the Loronix blog based in Rio de Janeiro! The stamp on the back of the record seems to indicate that the copy was once owned by a Toni Julius Berger at Rio de Janeiro's Discos Hi-Fi on Av. Copacabana:

The extensive liner notes (in Portuguese) from the back of the LP are included below, and you can read a little about Juarez Araújo here and here.

[ Juarez Assis de Araújo: October 7, 1930 — October 5, 2003 ]

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