Tuesday, March 16, 2010

.38 Special

Artist: .38 Special
LP: 7" single
Song: "Fantasy Girl"
[ listen ]

.38 Special is the quintessential rock band for the bland and unimaginative rocker set of the 1980s—the kind whose ideal gal wears bright pink heels and matching, ass-revealing silk running shorts to a dude bar. If this "fantasy" were three minutes longer, these wild-eyed southern boys would probably be singing about the poor girl being laid out on a pinball machine in the back room just like Jodie Foster. Still, I have to admit that the music of .38 Special holds a particularly dear place in my heart for all the memories it conjures up from my glory days at West Valley High School—like that time at Homecoming when we were somehow expected to dance to "Caught Up In You," that once when the West Valley High School Drill Team used "Teacher Teacher" for an elaborate pep rally routine or the time when I heard "Back Where You Belong" blaring from the open trunk of a cherry red '79 Camero as I was getting beat up in the school parking lot. 

1 comment:

  1. There is so much that is incredibly hot about the music video for "Caught Up In You"


    And you're forgetting "Hold On Loosely"!

    Thanks for conjuring up awkward memories of junior high birthday parties at the American Legion with someone's creepy uncle DJ-ing.
