Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Betty Wright

Artist: Betty Wright
LP: Travelin' In the Wright Circle
Song: "I'm Telling You Now"
[ listen ]

Can anyone guess what Gloria Estefan and Alice Cooper have in common? Betty Wright! Betty's songs have been sampled by a huge roster of contemporary artists; you can find out which ones and read more about the singer here. When I first found this record, I was surprised to see Betty on the cover wearing almost exactly what I wear while riding my bike to work each day. (I bring a chance of clothes, of course, since the outfit isn't really appropriate for work.) Unfortunately for Betty, when she was sending the final draft of the album's liner notes to the sleeve designer, she was also mailing a very personal note to her husband. Somehow the two envelopes got mixed up, but by the time anyone realized what had happened, it was too late to make any changes since the record was already being sold in stores.

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