Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Del Huff

Artist: Del Huff
LP: Del Huff on the Cordovox
Song: "All That Thrills My Soul"
[ listen ]
Song: "New Life In Jesus/Power In the Blood"
[ listen ]

According to the liner notes on the back of this 1977 Del Huff LP, when someone asks you "What is a Cordovox? Is it an accordion? Is it an organ?", you should answer with an enigmatic "Yes!" so that they still won't know what a Cordovox is. In order to understand the Cordovox, we must take a closer look.

And if we're going to unravel the mysteries of the Cordovox, it's essential we take a close and careful look at the sort of man who would play such an instrument. 

My early morning web search turned up this page, where you can click on the "Cordovox" organ stop to read about the instrument's history and uses and see pictures of various models of the Cordovox (none of which looks much like the Cordovox above). There's even more information on the Cordovox on Google Answers here. Unfortunately, nobody on the internet seems willing to discuss what transpired once people like Del Huff began using the Cordovox for religious purposes.

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