Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Orchids

Artist: The Orchids
LP: The Orchids
Song: "When Does Love Turn Out Right"
[ listen ]

If the music on this 1980 LP by The Orchids had half the pizzaz as the ladies' outfits on the cover, this record would be dynamite. Unfortunately, the songs are rather limp and tend to shift gears just when they start building momentum. Still, there are highlights, such as the album's single, "When Does Love Turn Out Right," during which one of the Lauries decides to expand her dating circle to include members of the band's male fan base. On their MySpace page here, The Orchids call themselves "Rock's Charlie's Angels," and that makes a lot of sense. From left to right: Kelly, Jill, Sabrina, Julie, and that's Kris down in front. Tiffany, not pictured, plays tambourine.

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