Sunday, May 16, 2010

Martin Circus

Artist: Martin Circus
LP: 7" single
Song: "Docteur"
[ listen ]

I used to go to a doctor that I liked quite a bit, but his staff was terrible. They never smiled and every time I went there, they'd ask, "so what are you here for again?" One lady on the staff kept calling me by someone else's name..."Steve," I think it was. She even called me Steve twice after I nicely reminded her that my name was actually "Alex" and joked that I hoped she had the right medical information on the clipboard in her hands. After my work switched all of us over to Group Health, I picked a new doctor from the Group Health website based solely on the fact that he was so handsome—with piercing dark eyes and a strong jawline. But when I first went to see him for a routine physical, he seemed uncomfortable discussing personal medical things with me. I'd indicated on my information form that I'm gay and only have sex with men, but after glancing over my form, he asked, "So... you married? Have any kids?" and then he would suddenly burst into uncomfortable laughter at random intervals during my visit for no apparent reason. Finally I selected a new doctor from the Group Health website, based on actual credentials, and he turned out to be normal, down-to-earth, no-nonsense, competent, and he always remembers my name and why I've come to see him. His name is Dr. Christopher Coppeans, MD and if you're ever shopping for a new doctor at Group Health on Capitol Hill in Seattle, I'd recommend giving him a try. You can read about Martin Circus here.

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