Monday, June 21, 2010

Lucifer's Friend

Artist: Lucifer's Friend
LP: Mean Machine
Song: "Action"
[ listen ]

In honor of the Seattle Gay Pride festivities coming up this weekend, I've designated this Heavy Metal Week at The Homoerratic Radio Show. I last attended the Seattle Gay Pride festivities about 7 or 8 years ago, and,  regrettably, I've still got the image of the "kissing booth" seared into my brain. Amongst all the political stalls and the merchants selling rainbow flags and cock rings, a small wooden booth had been erected, labeled with a sign: "Kissing Booth." Standing under the sign with no shirt on was someone's idea of a "sexy hunk," his muscles bulging in all directions. A large group of not-so-hunky men were lined up in front of the booth, each waiting to pay $1 for their turn to sloppily make out with the sexy hunk for several seconds. To me it seemed like a depressing and bizarre form of public prostitution. 

This 1981 LP by German rock group Lucifer's Friend is one of several neat early '80s heavy metal records I found at Budget Music in Grand Forks, North Dakota on my road trip through the Dakotas last summer. All this week's records will be from that same Grand Forks stash, which I'd actually forgotten about until re-discovering them behind my piano while doing a little straightening in my apartment last night. You can read all about Lucifer's Friend here. By the way, this morning on NPR I heard that today is the 62nd anniversary of the birth of the vinyl LP record!

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