Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Romanovsky & Phillips

Artist: Romanovsky & Phillips
LP: Trouble In Paradise
Song: "Don't Use Your Penis (For a Brain)"
[ listen ]

One of my 2010 New Year's resolutions is to try to keep from using my penis as a brain. According to my resolution, my member is not to be unleashed in the presence of another person unless both my heart and my brain have filled out some paperwork first—and then there's still a 10-day waiting period after that. I guess it's going pretty well, since I haven't had any "action" in months—but let me tell ya, it hasn't always been easy. Thank god Romanovsky & Phillips wrote this wonderful musical reminder that I can listen to whenever I feel my resolve beginning to weaken. You can read all about the "delightful and entertaining ambassadors of homosexuality" known as Ron Romanovsky and Paul Phillips on Wikipedia here and visit their official website here for a discography, neat pictures and to find out what these guys are up to nowadays. 

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