Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Raf Ravenscroft

Artist: Raf Ravenscroft
LP: 7" single
Song: "Maxine"
[ listen ]

Here's a sad song from saxophone player Raf Ravenscroft about a man searching in vain for his lost love—a woman by the decidedly non-musical name of "Maxine," who evidently ran off with one of the Zale brothers. Due to the quantity and placement of cords connected to the handset in the picture above, it would seem that the artist had never closely examined the workings of a telephone before. But a quick web search hints that the nonsensical sleeve for the 1985 "Maxine" single was likely designed according to Ravenscroft's explicit instruction, and is just another manifestation of his fetish for the spiraling, glistening glossiness of rubbery red phone cords.

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