Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sonny Lester, His Orchestra and Chorus

Artist: Sonny Lester, His Orchestra and Chorus
LP: How to Belly Dance For Your Husband
Song: "Boom Boom"
[ listen ]

Little Egypt's instructional belly dance bonus booklet wasn't included with my copy of this terrific Sonny Lester LP, so I guess my husband will just have to suffer through my earnest attempts at improvised simulation. Be sure to check out the funny liner notes below (as a conscientious blogger, I would be remiss in not advising that as a woman and a wife, something in your life is lacking...), and you can learn all about the life and career of musician, producer and WWII veteran Sonny Lester—who now lives in Florida and will be turning 86 this year—on Space Age Pop Music here.

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