Friday, August 20, 2010

Heesch Family Singers

 Artist: Heesch Family Singers
LP: You Set My Spirit Free
Song: "Suzy's Prayer"
[ listen ]
Song: "The Chosen Vessel"
[ listen ]

This slightly warped record by the Heesch Family Singers is another I picked up at the Colville Habitat for Humanity Thrift Store. The Heesches are evidently natives of the small logging town, since their contact info includes a Colville street address. With "Suzy's Prayer," the Heesches pressure parents into teaching their kids how to pray, lest they be humiliated when called upon to offer grace while visiting a friend's house for dinner. Poor little Suzy's eyes fill with tears and she can barely croak an apology to her playmate's parents: "I am sorry, I am sorry, but I don't know how to pray. My mommy never taught me and I don't know what to say." What Suzy should have said is, "I am sorry, but I'm not really into that sort of thing. If you need to talk to God before we eat, go right ahead, but just leave me out of it." With "The Chosen Vessel," the Heesch Family Singers insinuate that God prefers dull, unattractive, broken people to good-looking, high-spirited, talkative ones who don't mind voicing their opinions. Some advice for the Heesches: if you're going to include your dog Quennie in the family photo on the back of your Christian music record, you might choose a picture where she doesn't look like she's possessed by Satan.

[ Quennie ]


  1. Does she sing "Suzy don't know how to pray?" Her mama didn't teach her grammar either, apparently.

  2. Let's just pray her grammar don't get no worse as she gets older.

  3. I knew the Heesch Family very well. Valerie`s husband(Tom) and I worked at the Red Apple. These people are sincere God loving people.Keep your stupid comments to yourself.Moron
