Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nicola Di Bari

Artist: Nicola Di Bari
LP: Un Successo Dopo L'Altro
Song: "Il Mondo E' Grigio, Il Mondo E' Blu"
[ listen ]

Here's a cool Nicola Di Bari song that features rambunctious percussive flourishes. Sorry if I seem a bit under the weather. I was out too late last night with some lemon juice, gin and a touch of absinthe—then awoke in the middle of the night from a terrible nightmare. (Armed with a broom, I was trying to fend off a cougar that had been about to attack the family dog. I figured that the dog and I would work together to get rid of the cougar, but as soon as the cougar turned its attention to me, the family dog trotted off to safety.) In my sleep-deprived haze, I left my homemade lunch sitting on the kitchen counter as I headed for work, and also forgot to grab my only functioning pen, so am using a crappy yellow Paper Mate ever-sharp today instead. Anyway, the Italian-language notes from the back of Di Bari's 1976 LP are included here:

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