Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bob Ruzicka

Artist: Bob Ruzicka
LP: What the World's All About
Song: "The Love Affair Is Over"
[ listen ]
Song: "Stoney Plain Daydreaming Man"
[ listen ]

Here's a neat record I picked up for a few bucks last week while killing time browsing through one of Seattle's used record stores. Bob "The Singing Dentist" Ruzicka had several hits on the Canadian country music charts in the '70s and early '80s before returning to his tooth-fixin' trade full-time. He reportedly now lives on Vancouver Island in the Canadian province of British Columbia, just north of Washington state! I've already got an appointment to have my teeth cleaned, and am hoping he'll sing me a song or two while he's examining my molars. You can read more about the life and career of Bob Ruzicka on Canada's Country Music News website here, and I've included a YouTube clip below, though I'm not entirely sure I've got the right Bob.

Bob Ruzicka on YouTube:


  1. So, how about a follow-up as to what happened at your dental appointment with Dr. Ruzicka? Did you see him or an associate of his? Did he take out your molars? Any chance the "singing dentist" BOB RUZICKA will bring his music to the public via an internet web site?

  2. How old is Bob Ruzicka. Does he still write and sing songs? And is he living in British Columbia?
