Friday, September 17, 2010

The New Californians

Artist: The New Californians
LP: The New Californians
Song: "Runnin' Away"
[ listen ]
Song: "I"
[ listen ]

One of the annoying things about Christians is that they always seem to think that somewhere deep down, non-Christians secretly know that Christians have found The Truth. So then when you tell them you're not interested in religion and that you don't want to be like them, Christians just insist that you're "runnin' away" from something. (See first track above for more details.) Can't a person be not interested while just standing contentedly in place? In hopes of luring a more interesting variety of people to their church, The New Californians demonstrate that Christians can get funky too. (See second track posted above.) Fortunately, "I" can still tell the difference. A seaside group photo, music credits and headache-inducing liner notes are included below—along with New Californian close-ups, arranged according to how well each group member's early '70s fashion decisions hold up in the year 2010.

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