Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Olivia Newton-John

Artist: Olivia Newton-John
LP: 7" single
Song: "Don't Stop Believin'"

Here's something uplifting and inspirational from "Down Under," posted in honor of the smart and terrifically twisted Australian crime thriller I went to see at the cinema last night. Actually, Olivia Newton-John was born in Cambridge, England, but her family moved to Melbourne when she was 6, so most people think she's Australian. You can read about ONJ's exciting career in music and film on Wikipedia here.

Note from April 18, 2011: I've just been informed that by posting this uplifting Olivia Newton-John single, I have infringed upon the copyright of others. So if you want to be inspired by this lovely song from "Down Under," I guess you'll have to fork over some change first. It's worth it.

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