Thursday, October 14, 2010

Richard Williams

Artist: Richard Williams
LP: Where Do I Go
Song: "Wouldn't You Really Rather Have Me?"
[ listen ]

It's official—records have taken over my apartment. In order to keep from appearing on national television in one of those shows where my friends show up with good intentions, a crew of cleaners and a big dump-truck in order to indiscriminately empty out my place, I've decided to take action on my own. Over the past week or so, I went through my entire soul-funk-R&B section and pulled out about 130 records to get rid of so I can make room for more interesting stuff. Another benefit of doing this sort of 'spring cleaning' is that I find lots of neat things that I'd forgotten about—like this (early '70s?) Richard Williams LP. If you'd like to get a copy for your collection, you can buy one here or here. The liner notes are included below, wherein Johnny Magnus of KMPC in Hollywood predicts that Richard Williams is on his way to the very top. Sadly, it seems he never got there, since I don't even find him listed on Wikipedia. Oh, and in case anyone's wondering, the DJ is not for sale.


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