Monday, January 3, 2011

Boney M.

Artist: Boney M.
LP: Oceans of Fantasy
Song: "Calendar Song"
[ listen ]

Happy New Year! I took a little road trip up to Bellingham for the occasion—a small, fairly quiet coastal college town near the Canadian border. I stayed at the charmingly dumpy Aloha Motel (they advertise free wireless internet, but it only reaches rooms 1—12 and I was in room 15) and I had my last 2010 dinner and my first 2011 breakfast at downtown Bellingham's neat old 24-hour diner, The Horseshoe Cafe. Of course I also found some records on my trip, including this 1979 LP by Boney M. If you still haven't got your 2011 wall calendar up, this song can help you keep track of what will be happening over the next 362 days.

[ Aloha Motel — Bellingham, WA ]

 [ Horseshoe Cafe & Ranch Room ]

 [ My first breakfast of 2011. ]


  1. Bobby Farrell, the lead singer, died right around the time you bought this album. He wanted you to find it so you'd pass it on, I reckon.

  2. Boney M are the best personally i really cherish their music to the fullest. All their music are intriguing even in the 21 century, my best tracks are rivers of babylon, mary's boy child, plantation boy and brown girl in the ring
