Friday, January 28, 2011

Dave Bacal

Artist: Dave Bacal
LP: The Latin Touch of Dave Bacal
Song: "Dengozo"
[ listen ]

Ironically, Dave Bacal started his career by "beating it out in theatres," which, in more recent years, is just the sort of thing that could bring a successful career to a sudden and abrupt end. Before releasing this terrific Latin-themed album on the Crown Records label in 1960, Dave Bacal worked with fitness guru Jack LaLanne who, as a troubled youngster, once set his house on fire and attacked his brother with an axe. After recovering from sugar addiction, LaLanne got his own fitness show on TV in 1951, for which Dave Bacal provided improvisational accompaniment on the organ. You can read more about Jack LaLanne, who died earlier this week at the age of 96, on IMDB here, on Wikipedia here, and find his Los Angeles Times obituary here. The notes from Dave Bacal's "The Latin Touch" LP are included below.

 [ Dave Bacal: December 12, 1908 — September 12, 1986 ]

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