Friday, March 18, 2011

Hiroshi Uchiyamada and Cool Five

Artist: Hiroshi Uchiyamada and Cool Five
LP: 7" single
Song: "Uwasa no Onna"
aka. "The Woman Everyone's Whispering About"
[ listen ]

Here's the last of the six Hiroshi Uchiyamada and Cool Five singles my friend translated for me last weekend. "Uwasa no Onna" features some impressive vibrato acrobatics by lead vocalist Kiyoshi Maekawayou and was one of the group's early hits, peaking at #2 on the charts in 1970. According to my Japanese friend, the song title literally translates as "Woman of Gossip." At first we were calling it "The Woman Everyone's Talking About," but that sorta' makes it sound like she's a celebrity.

I just read that Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock donated $1,000,000 to help The Red Cross with earthquake and tsunami relief efforts in Japan. That almost makes me feel like watching one of her movies. If you'd like to donate $1,000,000 (or even just $10) to help The Red Cross in Japan, you can do so here.

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