Monday, March 7, 2011

Prahba Devi

Artist: Prahba Devi
LP: Sitar Goes International
Song: "Georgy Girl"
[ listen ]

In my ongoing effort to make room for new vinyl acquisitions while still being able to walk upright through my apartment, I sold off a load of LPs to Jive Time Records in Fremont this past weekend. As usual, I wasn't able to leave the place empty-handed, and one of the things I took home was this lovely and bizarre Prahba Devi record on which she performs popular western hits of the era on her sitar. That's like learning Chinese in order to speak English! I'm sure nobody would have enjoyed hearing a sitar interpretation of this movie theme more than Georgy Girl herself. The talented Ms. Devi is accompanied by Girin Das on tabla and guitar accompaniment is provided by Barry Curtis, who was born in my hometown of Yakima, was a member of The Kingsmen, and now he's evidently living and performing right here in Seattle!

 [ Lynn Redgrave as "Georgy Girl" — 1966 ]

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