Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hiroko Takegoshi

 Artist: Hiroko Takegoshi
LP: Tokyo Gypsy
Song: "Nowhere to Go In Tokyo"
[ listen ]

Before my friend Aki helped me translate the title of this 1966 record into English, I had no idea that there had once been gypsies living in Tokyo. I'm pretty sure I've included some information about "Nowhere to Go In Tokyo" below, but I can't tell if it's the lyrics or a song description or what.

Well, it turns out they ARE the song lyrics, and my friend just sent me an email with the translation:

I woke up when I saw my mom crying in my dream and felt so sad.
I may look strong, but that's just on the surface.
Deep inside, I'm just a lonely gypsy.
I'm just like everybody else, you know?

Sure, I fell in love with a guy before, but it didn't work out because of my way of life.
I was so stubborn that I cried secretly under the blanket then.
I'm just like everybody else, you know?

If you really try, you can clean up even the heaviest rust.
I wish I could be a little girl with braided hair
and go back to my home town.
I'm just like everybody else, you know?

My friend adds: "So she's not technically a gypsy per se, but she lost touch with her family once she moved to big city Tokyo from her small hometown." Thanks, Aki!

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