Monday, April 11, 2011

Satoru Oda and His Group With Strings

Artist: Satoru Oda and His Group With Strings
LP: Nostalgias of Japan
Song: "Rain on Jogashima"
[ listen ]

Jogashima is a remote, rocky little island off the southern tip of the Miura Peninsula, just a few miles south of Tokyo. With its lovely views, strange rock formations, and labyrinth of caves, Jogashima makes a tranquil getaway from the bustle of the big city—I'm sure it's especially lovely when it rains. Information and photos of Jogashima Island can be found on the MoĆ© Passion blog here. There's not much info about Japanese saxophone player Satoru Oda on the web, but according to the video below, Oda was still blowin' his phone for audiences as recently as February of 2009.

Satoru Oda and His Group Without Strings on YouTube:


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