Thursday, May 26, 2011

Manolo Otero

Artist: Manolo Otero
LP: Sus Grandes Éxitos
Song: "Maria Nomas (María Ninguem)"
[ listen ]

My other recent record-buying relapse was late one evening last week when I stopped in at Half Price Books on Capitol Hill to see if they had any old copies of Sinclair Lewis novels that I haven't found yet. They didn't, but they did have some neat old European records, including this Grandes Éxitos LP from Spanish singer Manolo Otero. You can read a bit about him here, translated to English from Spanish, and visit Otero's official website here, where you will find hardly any information at all. Sadly, someone wrote to say that Manolo died in São Paulo, Brazil just a few days after I posted this.

 [ Manolo Otero: June 25, 1942 — June 1, 2011 ]


  1. Sadly, M.Otero passed away in São Paulo this last june, 2nd.

    Here´s a link from a Brazilian newspaper:

  2. How very sad! But thanks—I appreciate you letting me know.
