Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Maynard Ferguson and His Orchestra

Artist: Maynard Ferguson and His Orchestra
LP: Si! Si!—M.F.
Song: "Si! Si!—M.F."
[ listen ]

Looks like I missed Maynard's birthday—he would have been 83 years old last week if he hadn't passed away back in the summer of 2006. One might blandly suppose that the "M.F." in this album's title track stands for "Maynard Ferguson," but after hearing how this guy blows his crazy horn, it's more like—"Sí! Sí!—Motherfucker!" You can read all about M.F., the talented Canadian trumpeter extraordinaire, on Wikipedia here, find lots of neat photos and other things on his official website here, and the liner notes from the back of Maynard's brilliant 1962 "Sí Sí" LP are included below.

[ Maynard Ferguson: May 4, 1928 — August 23, 2006 ]

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