Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Panio Brothers

Artist: The Panio Brothers
LP: The Panio Brothers Present Dance Music Ukrainian
Song: "In the Spring"
[ listen ]

Here's a lovely something from Ukraine, by way of Saskatchewan, to help celebrate the onset of springtime in Seattle—which this weekend mostly just meant lots and lots of rain. There isn't much info about John and Vlad Panio on the internet, but I did learn that the talented Canadian brothers received the Ukrainian Musicians Association's Legendary Achievement Award last year, along with another Panio named David. Notes and info from the back of this 1977 LP are included below.


  1. Oh WOW!!! I can't believe I found this! I was a student at Montmartre School, where John Panio taught many of my classes, most notably, music and Ukrainian language studies.

    I hav e been through several college programs and have had many teachers and professors over the years. John Panio still stands out as the best!!

    He was passionate about music, and it was so evident!! He used to take orders, and if he was going into the city on the weekends, he would bring back 45's for us farm kids.

    I also had the pleasure of seeing the band perform live many times, as they were often hired for local weddings, anniversary parties, cabarets and fall suppers/dances in the area.

    Wonderful memories!
    Barb Herbert (Sali)

  2. Hi Barb, that's wonderful! I love that John would take orders from students when he was heading to the big city. Growing up in Yakima, I used to give my dad a list of 45s to pick up for me at Tower Records when he was going to Seattle. :)
    So which one is John in the LP cover photo?

