Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Overheard when: 9:46pm on Monday, June 13, 2011
Overheard where: at the next table at Skillet Diner at 1400 East Union Street in Seattle, WA [map]
Overheard who: a lanky, sorta' nerdy blond gay guy in his late 20s or early 30s, talking to his older gay buddy over dinner
Overheard what: "He was a great-looking guy and really popular with the women—a heartthrob, I guess you'd call him. He was always lots of fun and liked to horse around and stuff... but one night we ended up alone in the parking lot, just him and me, and he was horsing around again... We'd been in this situation lots of times before, but this time he was horsing around and suddenly he totally just jumped me! He was grabbing my face and pulling it towards him. At first I tried to fight him off, but after a while I got tired of fighting, because he seemed determined to do this thing, so I figured I'd just let it take its course. But the second I stopped fighting him off, something in him clicked and he totally changed. He suddenly pushed me away and started yelling, 'Dude! You were trying to kiss me! What the fuck!?' (pause) Now he's married, and his wife has really big boobs."

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