Thursday, June 2, 2011

Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, and Their Family

Artist: Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, and Their Family
LP: Jesus Loves Me
Song: "The Lord Is Counting on You (The Sunday School Song)"
[ listen ]
Song: "Jesus Loves Me"
[ listen ]

There are usually lots of old religious records to be found in the bins of any thrift store, and the GoodWill I went to after church last Sunday was no exception. The best of the bunch was this 1960 album from Roy "King of the Cowboys" Rogers, his wife Dale "Queen of the West" Evans, and their five children. Decades before big-name celebrities like Madonna and Angelina Jolie caused a media frenzy by snatching exotic children from impoverished countries to accessorize their glamorous lifestyles, western screen and music stars Roy Rogers and Dale Evans had quietly been adding a "mixed assortment" of kids from various ethnic backgrounds to their lovin' little musical family. And even sweeter is the fact that they didn't screen the kids first to make sure they could actually carry a tune. Though it was Roy's 3rd marriage and Dale's 4th, their union in 1947 lasted 51 years, which just goes to show... something, I'm not sure what. You can read about the life and career of Roy Rogers here, of Dale Evans here, and LP liner notes and a video clip from a 1944 film are included below.

Roy Rogers and Dale Evans on YouTube:

[ Roy Rogers: November 5, 1911 — July 6, 1998 ]
[ Dale Evans: October 31, 1912 — February 7, 2001 ]

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