Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Overheard when: 10:18pm on Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Overheard where: Madison Pub at 1315 East Madison Street in Seattle, WA [map]
Overheard who: three moderately handsome, late 20s/early 30s gay male caricatures, complete with granny-voice and fluttery hands, sitting next to me while I played Buzztime Trivia.

Overheard what: 
Gay Guy #1: "Have you ever thought about having children?"
Gay Guy #2: "I want to have kids, and I know I could adopt, but I really want to have one of my own. I want my kids to have my genes."
Gay Guy #3: "I know! I'd like to have at least one of my own. When I look at him, I want to see myself."
Gay Guy #2: "When I look into his eyes, I want to see MY eyes!"


  1. "Granny-voice"? That's a new one for me. Oh, God -- what if I have "granny-voice"?!

  2. haha... well, just compare here and then you'll know for sure.
