Friday, July 1, 2011

Jack Pleis, His Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra

Artist: Jack Pleis, His Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra
LP: Strings and Things
Song: "Paris Loves Lovers"
[ listen ]
Song: "Strings and Things"
[ listen ]

This 1957 collection of moods, meanings, and melodies in merry montage is another one of the things I found while rummaging around before breakfast last weekend. The music of Jack Pleis, His Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra is positively lovely, like being gently wrapped in ribbons. But I was especially drawn to the album cover, which seems to reveal the secret hideaway of a lonely-hearts strangler who dabbles in a bit of arson on the side. "Paris Loves Lovers" sheds light on Jack's inventive arrangements with chorus and orchestra, whereas "Strings and Things" shows off his abilities on the piano. Sadly, Jack Pleis doesn't yet have a page on Wikipedia, but you can find some information about the Philadelphia native in the LP liner notes below.

Update from February 28, 2016: You can now find lots of info about Jack Pleis on Wikipedia here and go here to read specifically about his "Strings and Things" LP. Thanks for the tip!

[ Jack Pleis: May 11, 1917 — December 5, 1990 ]

1 comment:

  1. Jack Pleis now has an article on Wikipedia. Cheers!
