Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Bell Hops

Artist: The Bell Hops
LP: Polka Hops
Song: "She's There, I'm Here"
[ listen ]

I was bummed that I didn't have time to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame during my brief visit to Cleveland, but I'd really have been devastated if I'd missed out on the Polka Museum too. The Polka Hall of Fame is located in the same building as the Softball Hall of Fame, which conjures up all sorts of glorious visions of what it would be like if the two sporty activities could somehow be combined into one. The museum showcases the history and array of polka talent in the Cleveland area, including "America's Polka King," Frankie Yankovic. To my delight (and to the delight of the museum staff too, I'm sure, since I bought so many), I discovered lots of wild and wonderful vintage polka records for sale in the museum gift shop! This 1964 LP by The Bell Hops may be my favorite of the ones I found there. The Bell Hops are led by two fellows named Henry Jasiewicz, a father and son. You can read about the life and career of Henry Sr. here, and read all about the younger Henry Jasiewicz here.

 [ The Polka Hall of Fame — Euclid, OH ]

[ Vintage Polka Albums for sale at The Polka Hall of Fame gift shop ]

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