Friday, August 12, 2011


Overheard when: 11:26am on Saturday, July 30, 2011
Overheard where: Anchor Grill at 438 West Pike Street in Covington, KY [map]
Overheard who: a spunky, no-nonsense middle-aged waitress who wears glasses, discussing recent events with a sweet elderly lady with bright orange hair who was sitting at the counter a few seats away from me.

Overheard what: 
No-nonsense waitress: "Rachel came in here cryin' again this morning... everything keeps going wrong with the wedding. This time she was cryin' 'cause last night someone broke into the church and stole the powder out of the air conditioner, so now they're getting married this afternoon in 98° heat in a church with no air conditioning. It's just been one thing after another with this wedding."
Orange-haired lady at counter: "I might start to worry that it was all a bad omen."
No-nonsense waitress: "Well I can't say that 'cause my church burned down after we sent out our invitations. We had to change churches!"

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