Thursday, August 18, 2011

Liquid Gold

Artist: Liquid Gold
LP: Liquid Gold
Song: "Secret Love"
[ listen ]

Heading north from Cincinnati, I made my way to Xenia, the largest town in the USA that beings with the letter 'X.' Unfortunately, Mother Nature does not like the letter 'X' and has plagued the town with more than its fair share of tornadoes—like the famous F-5 one on April 3, 1974 that did this, this, and this and killed 33 Xenianians, and another in the year 2000 that did this to someone's home. After buying some sunscreen at K-Mart and bidding Xenia a fond farewell (it's practically my name spelled backwards!), I arrived in Dayton at around noon on Sunday...

[ Dayton, OH — downtown ]

...and, after visiting one record store that didn't actually have any records, I found Omega Music, which had records a-plenty. I bought lots of neat old singles that don't have picture sleeves (I'll throw some of those into an upcoming mix) and also picked up this terrific 1979 Liquid Gold album, which features a disco cover of "Secret Love," a hit for Doris Day in 1953. This seemed sorta' appropriate since just two days prior I'd photographed the house where Doris Day was born—remember?—and also since the horrible 1974 tornado that whisked through downtown Xenia did so on Doris Day's 50th birthday. Anyway, the gal working at Omega Music was really sweet and helpful. She even gave me a cool old box to carry my singles in, as well as a bit of a discount, since all the records I bought filled up one of the store's discount punch-cards. If you're ever in Dayton and are looking for good records, I recommend stopping at Omega Music. You should probably wait a month or two though, since I already took all the best ones they had.

[ Omega Music — Dayton, OH ]

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