Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Carol Douglas

Artist: Carol Douglas
LP: The Carol Douglas Album
Song: "Doctor's Orders"
[ listen ]

After a quick drive through Zanesville, the largest city in the USA starting with the letter Z...and famous for its weird Y-shaped bridge, I camped overnight at the lovely and relaxing A.W. Marion State Park. The next morning I passed through Circleville (which looked more like Squareville to me) as I made my way northward to Ohio's capitol city—Columbus!

[ Columbus, OH ]
I hadn't eaten anything yet, so the first thing I did when I pulled into town was head over to Tommy's Diner for some delicious breakfast.

 [ Tommy and me at his diner in Columbus, OH ]

After breakfast I checked out Spoonful Records on Long Street in the heart of downtown, where owner Brett and his fiancĂ© Amy (she lives in Zanesville, with the Y-shaped bridge!) were sorting through albums together. They were both real friendly—they recommended lots of good old soul music, played records on the store's system so I could listen, recommended other stores to visit while I was in town, and they even gave me some vinyl samples of music on the Spoonful Records label. We were having so much fun talking about music, about Seattle (Amy went to Evergreen State College just down the road in Olympia), and listening to records, Amy said she wished I could come to the store every Sunday afternoon. Me too!

 [ Brett & Amy at Spoonful Records ]

 [ C'est moi at Spoonful Records ]

One of my favorite things I found at the store is this 1975 debut LP by Carol Douglas. An early pioneer of the disco movement, Ms. Douglas was unfortunately a bit of a one-hit-wonder on the pop charts, with "Doctor's Orders" rising to #11 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart, #9 on the R&B singles chart, and going all the way to #2 on the disco charts. You can read about the life and career of the lovely and talented Carol Douglas here, and find notes and a nice photo from the back of "The Carol Douglas Album" included below.

 [ Spoonful Records — Columbus, OH ]

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