Monday, October 24, 2011

Bette Bright

Artist: Bette Bright
LP: Rhythm Breaks the Ice
Song: "Hello I Am Your Heart"
[ listen ]

In this cute little reggae-influenced ditty from Bette Bright's 1981 LP on Korova Records, the former Deaf School vocalist receives a message from her heart. It's leaving and going on vacation because Bette keeps getting it broken and hurt over and over again. I once received a similar notice from my legs after riding my bike up Denny Avenue to the top of Capitol Hill. You can read about Bette Bright on Wikipedia here, and go here to see a 2009 photo of Bette w/ her famous husband.


1 comment:

  1. The songwriter's (Dennis Linde of 'Burning Love' fame) original version can be found here:

    Not reggae precisely, it's somewhere in between that and Simon & Garfunkel's 'The Boxer'.
