Monday, October 10, 2011

Darryl Way's Wolf

Artist: Darryl Way's Wolf
LP: Wolf
Song: "Two Sisters"
[ listen ]
Song: "The Ache"
[ listen ]

Even if you're a mind-blowing, dynamite virtuoso on the violin like Darryl Way, you're facing an uphill battle if you hope diehard rock 'n' rollers will take you seriously with that cute little instrument tucked under your chin. That said, Way has done pretty well for himself, as you can see by checking out the discography section on his website here. This 1974 LP, which I mainly just bought for that amazing cover, is a compilation of songs from the first two Darryl Way's Wolf records, "Canis Lupus" and "Saturation Point," both from 1973. You can read more about Darryl Way on Wikipedia here.

 [ Darryl Way w/ violin ]

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